Strategies XXI

International Scientific Conference






The papers will be published in a volume with ISSN code, in English, in electronic and printed format (limited edition for university libraries) and will be indexed in the international databases ProQuest, CEEOL and EBSCO.

An author can participate with a maximum of two papers as a sole author or a co-author.

Papers with a maximum of two co-authors can be accepted.

Papers submitted by the deadline and accepted following the scientific evaluation will be published.

The file is named as follows: 'First name and surname of the first author no.communication.doc'. Example: “Vasilescu Dragos 1.doc”

The publication of the papers presented at the event is subject to compliance with the deadlines for submission of materials, with the scientific requirements and with these guidelines, as well as payment of the participation fee by the author within the specified deadline.



The papers will be published in a volume with ISSN code, in English, in electronic and printed format. There shall be printed a limited edition to be sent to academic libraries. Proceedings will be indexed in three international databases: ProQuest, CEEOL and EBSCO.

The file to be sent upon registration shall be named as follows: 'First name and surname of the first author no.communication.doc'. Example: “Vasilescu Dragos 1.doc”.

Proceedings shall include papers in the following conditions:

  • submission within the specific deadline
  • compliance with the author's guidelines
  • acceptance following the peer review process
  • fee payment within the specified timeframe

N.B. There shall be provided equipment for multimedia presentations upon the event.



  • an author submits a paper in English in a “.doc”/“.docx” file extension (via the online registration system for participants at
  • the paper is submitted for peer review to members of the International Scientific Committee
  • the author receives the result of the review process; the paper may be accepted as such/with minor/major revision or it may not be accepted; the author receives specific recommendations for revising the paper
  • payment of the participation fee by the author(s) within the specified deadline




The topic belongs to the thematic area of the conference. Please refer to the section Conference topics.

Originality - own argument; novelty; not previously published

Scientific/academic nature of the paper - neutral, objective style, substantiation of claims and specification of all bibliographic resources

Relevant bibliography, written according to the model presented in the Guide, using Chicago style

English writing should meet academic standards. Either American or British English is allowed, applying the principle of consistency.

Adherence to the editorial rules adopted by the conference, set out as follows.



The size of the paper can vary between 6 - 12 pages (18,000 - 36,000 characters, with spaces), including footnotes, bibliography and figures.

Page settings: format A 4; mirror margins, having the following settings: left: 2,5 cm; right: 2 cm; up and down: 2 cm.

The paper will be written in Times New Roman font, 12 point type, 1 line spacing. Pages shall not be numbered.

To emphasize concepts or ideas use italic characters. Do not use bold characters or capital letters throughout the paper.



  • Title of the paper (centred, capitals, 14 point type bold).
  • A brief author’s introduction, including the following elements (if applicable): military rank, teaching/research title, scientific title, first name, last name, position held at the main institutional affiliation, in the case of PhD students - research field and university -, city, country of residence, e-mail.
  • A relevant abstract of about 150 words (italics).
  • 4-6 keywords (italics).
  • Introduction/Preliminary considerations (not numbered).
  • Two to four chapters, possibly subchapters.
  • Conclusions (not numbered).

Optionally, if considered useful for the argument, tables/graphs/images can be included in the article, with reference from the text to them. To ensure readability, these should also be sent to the editor separately with the article in .jpeg / .png / .tiff format.

In the case of tables, above the text, 'Table No. X: title', and in the case of images e.g. maps, etc., below the text, 'Figure No X: title'. In both cases, the source (if applicable) is mentioned below.


SCIENTIFIC EVALUATION PROCESS is developed according to the principle double blind peer review, by university teaching staff and scientific researchers with expertise in the field of the paper. The author’s identity is not known by evaluators and the name of the evaluators is not made known to authors.

Authors are informed of the conclusions of the evaluation report, which represent the argument for accepting/rejecting a paper.

Consequently to the evaluation, there are four possibilities:

a) the paper is accepted for publication as such;

b) the paper is accepted for publication with minor changes;

c) the paper may be published if the author makes substantial review, according to specific recommendations;

d) the paper is rejected.

Previous to scientific evaluation, papers are subject to a test of similitude (



Quotations from official works/documents (laws, treaties, etc.) and from existing statements in English of public personalities should be taken as such from the original.

Authors bear full responsibility for the content of their papers and for non-disclosure of classified information – according to respective law regulations. Authors working within the Romanian MoND should obtain approval for publication from their authorised structure.

Authors are fully responsible for their papers’ content, according to the provisions of Law no. 206/2004 regarding good conduct in scientific research, technological development and innovation.

Published papers are subject to the Copyright Law. All rights are reserved to “Carol Iˮ National Defence University, irrespective if the whole material is taken into consideration or just a part of it, especially the rights regarding translation, re-printing, re-use of illustrations, quotes, dissemination by mass-media, reproduction on microfilms or in any other way and stocking in international databases. Any reproduction is authorized without any afferent fee, provided that the source is mentioned.

Failing to comply with these rules shall trigger paper’s rejection. Sending a paper to the editor implies the author’s agreement on all aspects mentioned above.